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Functional Health Coaching

As Certified CHEK Practitioners. We bring you the most cutting edge holistic health coaching tools to change your life for GOOD & help you achieve the results you dream of!

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Postural Analysis & Coaching
Nutrition Advice

                 Are you over the yo-yo cycle that is so prevelant with the advice our society gives?

  • Over being in pain & aching? 

  • Yo-yo weight loss & Fad diets

  • Fitness goals that ended in disappointment? 

  • Tired of being tired?

  • Want to look & feel your best?

  • Poor posture affecting your quality of life?

  • Want to finally achieve your dreams?


Our CHEK Training offers a uniquely integrated holistic approach to health, fitness and well being.

We use a time proven system that makes achieving your goals as simple as... 1-2-3-4! Our 1-2-3-4 step approach makes the headache of the HOW you will achieve your goals easy & clear so you can be guided each day with us & also without us! We want to give you the tools that will bring about your dreams so you can keep accomplishing them even once you finish coaching with us!


We look at the big picture! The human body is an integrated system of systems – what happens in the digestive system can impact the musculoskeletal system, for example. This means our choices about diet, rest, and movement can impact our health in a wide variety of ways. We supply you with the knowledge & tools to make a lasting change in your life!


Keep reading for more information on our 2 foundational approaches we use to bring the human being back into harmony.



CHEK Trained, Coaching
CHEK Trained, Coaching


This is life changing. If you're not ready to look at and address all aspects of your life then this will be a challenge for you. In the holistic lifestyle coaching program we will start with the fundamental and foundational platforms of working you into good health by addressing; Sleep, Hydration, Nutrition, Thinking, Quiet and Movement. While healing the body we start to address mindset, habits and triggers making you grow into a whole new version of yourself.

The person you've dreamed of becoming!


Our dietary choices, the amount of rest we get, the time we take to play and enjoy life all have a tremendous impact on our health – they are almost certainly primary to exercise. As CHEK Practitioners, we use a comprehensive library of assessment techniques to determine where a client is out of balance with respect to their diet, rest and happiness. And from there, we gain perspective on how & what to approach first to bring your being back into alignment to achieve a better state of health.


As a CHEK Level II this is one of the most advanced assessments you will ever be given. We assess from the head down, looking at the entire body; head, neck, spine, shoulders, arms, pelvis, legs & feet. Then we do a full length & tension muscular assessment that determines the Range of Motion (ROM) you have body wide, followed by a core unit assessment, then a movement analysis.


As a CHEK practitioner we install performance and balance over trends and fitness hype workouts. We assess and get your body moving right and then move you into a functional training program that is designed to challenge you while continuously working towards your goals.


Our approach to movement and fitness combines knowledge of functional anatomy, with an understanding of the relationships between the musculoskeletal system, the glands, organs, posture, and breathing to create a full picture of the human body. Combine that with a powerful and comprehensive collection of assessments and program design techniques and you have the CHEK Approach to Exercise.

This is guaranteed to bring results!

Apply now to change your life for good. 

Chek Trained
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